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We reward early childhood educators

For their education and
commitment to the classroom.

Receive up to $7.8k

Continue making a difference while benefitting from the WAGE$ program.

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Feel valued

WAGE$ sends the message to thousands of educators that their work matters. Dig into your passion like never before.
paper benefit icon

Receive financial support

WAGE$ supplements can go a long way to addressing daily financial stresses, so you can be more present in the classroom.
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Invest in yourself

You choose how you spend your supplement. Go on vacation. Go back to school. Add to your savings. It is your choice.
Tennessee State Badge
We’re a DHS funded program
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The supplement scale

Supplement totals shown reflect full-time hours worked in the classroom. Applicants working less than full-time will receive a prorated amount. All college credit hours must be earned through a regionally accredited institution.


Education Required

Annual Supplement



Education Required

6 credit hours in early childhood education



Annual Supplement




Education Required

National CDA [course credit or training hours (must show certificate of completion for training CDA)]


12 early childhood education credit hours


Basics in Early Childhood Technical Certificate

Annual Supplement




Education Required

18 hours early childhood credit hours


Infant Toddler Technical Certificate/Early Childhood Education Technical Certificate


24 credit hours of general education with at least 12 in early childhood education

Annual Supplement




Education Required

36 credit hours of general education plus or including 18 in early childhood education



Annual Supplement




Education Required

50 credit hours of general education plus or including 24 in early childhood education



Annual Supplement




Education Required

60 credit hours of general education plus or including 3 0 in early childhood education



Annual Supplement




Education Required

Bachelor's or Master's Degree with fewer than 12 credit hours in early childhood education



Annual Supplement




Education Required

Associate Degree plus or including at least 24 credit hours in early childhood education



Annual Supplement




Education Required

90 credits toward Bachelor's Degree plus or including at least 18 credit hours in early childhood education


Bachelor's Degree plus or including at least 12 credit hours in early childhood education


Annual Supplement




Education Required

Bachelor's Degree plus or including 18 credit hours in early childhood education


Master's Degree plus or including 12 credit hours in early childhood education


Annual Supplement




Education Required

Bachelor's Degree plus or including 30 credit hours in earl childhood education


Master's Degree plus or including 24 credit hours in early childhood education


Annual Supplement


*Retain eligibility by moving up the scale

Teachers awarded with a supplement must move up to a higher level within two years in order to retain eligibility. Deadlines will be reestablished at each temporary level. Family child care providers have three years to achieve the education needed to move up.

How to qualify

You’re eligible for a salary supplement if you:

  • Work in a TN DHS licensed child care program

  • Earn $20 or less per hour

  • Have one of the education levels listed in the Salary Supplement Scale

  • Have worked at least 6 months in the same child care program with children ages birth - five, at least 10 hours per week in the classroom

  • Are employed at the same child care program when funding is available, and a final confirmation has been completed

What you’ll need to apply

Applications are evaluated once all three requirements are met.

Apply Online
You will need your banking information and a contact for your director.
Income Verification
Submit income documentation to verify you fall under our salary cap for eligibility.
Order an official college transcript OR submit your CDA certificate of completion.
Get an annual salary supplement
Apply now

Frequently asked questions

  • Who is eligible to receive a salary supplement?

    To qualify for the WAGE$ program, early childhood educators must:

    1. Work in a TDHS-licensed child care facility for at least six months
    2. Earn $20 or less per hour
    3. Work with children ages birth to five at least 10 hours per week
    4. Have one of the education levels specified on the WAGE$ Salary Supplemental Scale
  • Can directors or owners also qualify for Child Care WAGE$® Tennessee?

    All child care employees who meet the eligibility requirements are welcome to apply for a WAGE$ salary supplement. It is important to note that WAGE$ can only reward educators for time spent in the classroom.

    As of 2025, WAGE$ now recognizes administrative duties for Directors and Assistant Directors as eligible hours. This means that tasks such as payroll, planning & prep, and program monitoring will count toward supplement calculations.

    Previously, Directors were prorated based on the number of hours spent in the classroom. Under the new policy, this is no longer the case. Directors who are currently enrolled in WAGE$ will automatically receive full credit for their eligible hours and do not need to reapply. Additionally, Directors who have not yet applied can now qualify even if they do not spend at least 10 hours per week in the classroom, as long as all other eligibility criteria are met.

    Owners will be asked to submit their tax information to verify their pay rate, rather than submitted a paystub.

  • Am I still eligible if I work part-time?

    Yes! Part-time employees are welcome to apply for WAGE$. They will, however, see their supplement amount reduced. Every applicant working less than 30 hours per week in the classroom will receive a prorated amount. Those supplements will be prorated at the following rates:

      30-40 hours per week: 100%

      21-29 hours per week: 75%

      10-20 hours per week 50%

  • What is the deadline to apply for WAGE$?

    WAGE$ is an ongoing program with no "enrollment period". Instead, we have rolling deadlines each month. Once we have all three components of your application, please allow up to eight weeks before payment.

  • How do I apply and how long does it take to complete an application?

    To apply for the WAGE$ program, early childhood educators must:

    1. Fill out an application
    2. Submit an official transcript
    3. Send a paystub no older than two months

    Filling out an application takes around 15 minutes. Filling out the Employee Verification Form (page 4 of the application) will take administrators around five minutes. Please allow around 24 hours for transcripts ordered electronically to arrive in our inbox.

  • How do I request transcripts to be sent to WAGE$?

    Most official transcripts can be sent electronically. Applicants will need to locate the "Transcript Request" or "Registrar's Office" page of their university's website. Go through the request form and submit transcripts to:

      Child Care WAGE$ Tennessee

    Alternatively, you may contact the registrar’s office directly via email or phone and have them send it to us. Official transcripts sent via mail should be sent to:

      Signal Centers, ATTN: Child Care WAGE$ Tennessee

      109 North Germantown Road

      Chattanooga TN 37343.

  • How does WAGE$ determine hourly rate of pay?

    The hourly rate of pay is determined by directly referencing information from the Employee Verification Form within the WAGE$ application and cross-referencing it with the most recent pay stub you provide. For salaried employees, our staff will calculate your annual pay down to an hourly rate in order to verify you are below our eligibility pay cap.

  • If I work in a child care center, what is the center's responsibility?

    Your director will be the main contact point for WAGE$. Directors/administrators will fill out the Employee Verification Form (page 4 of the application) while their educator is applying. Beyond that, directors/administrators are responsible for verifying their employee's pay rate and hours worked for the previous six-month period. This process will take place during a confirmation call with one of our education counselors.

    If a center has multiple educators that are up for a payment, our counselors will try to confirm each educator during one phone call with the director.

  • How much will I receive?

    How much money a recipient receives is directly related to the amount of education they have and how many hours per week they spend working in a classroom with children ages birth to five. The more education an educator has, the higher the salary supplement amount, as evidenced by our salary supplement scale.

    Educators who work full-time in the classroom will receive the full amount of the supplement. Educators working part-time will see their supplement prorated at the following rates:

      30-40 hours per week: 100%

      21-29 hours per week: 75%

      10-20 hours per week 50%

  • How and when are supplements sent?

    All salary supplements are direct deposited straight into the recipient's bank account. We cannot issue supplements by any other method other than direct deposit.

    Once an applicant is deemed eligible and their file is approved, they will be added to a payment batch. WAGE$ initiates payments on the last business day of every month to the approved batch of applicants. 

    Six months after an applicant's initial payment, their employment status at the center is reevaluated. If the applicant has maintained all eligibility requirements for those six months, they become eligible for a second direct deposit which will also be issued on the last business day of that month.

  • How often will I get a supplement?

    Every supplement amount listed on the salary supplement scale is split into two payments given every six months worked consecutively at the same center.

  • How long will I get a supplement?

    Eligible applicants will fall into one of two categories on our supplement scale:

      Temporary levels (1-7a on the scale)

      Permanent levels (7b-10 on the scale)

    If you are eligible at a temporary level, you will receive your supplement for a period of two years (three years for family and group home owners). Applicants must increase their education enough to bump up to the next education level within this period, or else they roll off the WAGE$ program.

    Once an applicant reaches a permanent level, they no longer need to continue their education in order to stay on the program. In that case, permanent applicants will receive money from WAGE$ for as long as funding permits.

  • Do I have to reapply every year to get the supplement?

    No! Our education counselors will check in with the applicant's director/administrator prior to distributing each supplement. This process is to verify the applicant's eligibility, but it does not require anything of the applicant.

    The only instance in which an educator would need to reapply for the WAGE$ program is if they have become ineligible at any point (ie. have passed their two year fund-through-date, have changed their place of employment, etc...). To come back onto the WAGE$ program, applicants will need to completely reapply and have their eligibility reevaluated.

  • How can I move up the salary supplement scale?

    To move up the salary supplement scale, educators must acquire the necessary education described in the scale. In order to receive credit for the acquired coursework, applicants will need to submit updated transcripts to our office that reflects the new coursework that has been completed. Once you move up a level, your next deposit will automatically reflect the new supplement amount.

  • What if I leave my center and start working at a different center?

    If you voluntarily leave your center to work at a different center, you will roll off the WAGE$ program. However, you are welcome to reapply as soon as you have spent six months at your new center.

    It is important to note that if you are eligible at a temporary level, your two-year funding period will not start over if you relocate to another place of employment. In this case, you will likely miss out on one check waiting to become eligible to reapply at your new center.

  • What if my center closes during the summer months? Can I still qualify?

    Yes! It is important to note though that WAGE$ can only reward educators for time spent in the classroom. We give educators a two-week grace period where they can be away from the classroom. Any additional time beyond that, we will begin to shift when you receive your next check by the amount of time you were out.

    For example, an educator who would normally receive their payments in June and December at a 12-month center would receive their payments in June and February if their center closed during July and August.

  • Do I have to pay taxes on my supplement?

    Yes! WAGE$ does not remove any taxes from your salary supplement, but the money you receive from us will be viewed as taxable income by the IRS. During tax season, we will send you your 1099 form so you can file your taxes properly.

Can’t find an answer to your question?

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A woman smiling and touching her hands
A woman with glasses smiling
A woman smiling in a striped shirt

Apply to receive up to $7.8k a year

The work you do matters. Get acknowledged now for your education and commitment to the early childhood field.

A woman smiling in a striped shirt
A woman with a white shirt and black hair looking down